Europe - Raspberry

STOP NO. : France

A splash of hydration!

Name: Raspberry
Latin Name: Rubus idaeus
Location: France, Canada
Type: Large shrub
Part(s) Used: Fruit and seed

The fruit of the gods

The raspberry is a delicious fruit that is particularly esteemed by gastronomes. According to legend, the raspberry was originally white and first appeared in Crete, where the young Jupiter, future king of the gods of Ancient Greece, had his home. One day, Jupiter would not stop crying so his servant gathered some raspberries to console the boy. In doing so, she scratched her arm and her blood stained the white fruit red forever...

Cosmetic Effectiveness

Protects the skin against dryness and dehydration

Raspberry, with its flavonoids, sugars and fruit acids, is traditionally used to boost the complexion’s radiance, due to its antioxidant and hydrating properties. The oil extracted from its seeds, rich in essential fatty acids, is both comforting and nourishing.

Find the benefits of Raspberry

  • Gloss Prodige Intense Shine & Colour


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