01 How to feel happy in your

The Clarins philosophy: respect every woman's body, regardless of her weight. Women carry so much on their shoulders that they often forget to take care of themselves first.
The female body is incredible - it creates life itself, and therefore it’s important to look after your body in order to feel happy in your skin.
Take time to relax and let go of any tension built up during the day with Relax Bath & Shower Concentrate. Let yourself go and indulge in a relaxing moment just for you. Light a Clarins candle, breathe, and relax.
Discover the benefits of aroma-phyto care. This is the first trick to keeping your figure in shape. A balancing act between your body and mind, where positive energy acts as a regulator.
Listen to yourself!
Weight loss should be supervised by a nutritionist who will ensure that your diet is on the right track. Foods are weighed and chosen for their low calories, and their carbohydrate and protein intake is calculated. Fresh fruit and vegetables are rich in fibre and minerals. But dieting is not about stopping to eat, starving yourself, causing deficiencies or putting your health at risk.
Losing weight must be done sensibly and consistently, week after week, with a weight loss goal in mind.
Lymphatic drainage
A draining massage reduces water retention and helps flush out toxins. At home or in the Clarins spa, taking care of your body to maintain a healthy-looking figure is not always about your weight. Losing weight can be a health risk. Instead, stay focused on your slimming goals with a smile and willpower.