01 What causes dehydrated skin?

Temperature changes, rain, cold, air conditioning and pollution are just some of the daily external factors that can damage the natural hydration of your skin and make your face feel dehydrated. We're all exposed to these temperature changes several times a day, at home, in the street to going out shopping! It's not extreme conditions but the effect of everyday life at the source of this discomfort.
Other factors include:
- External stressors - such as the sun, cold and pollution as well as humidity changes can make your skin become uncomfortable and lose its glow.
- Body changes - these unavoidable factors, internal culprits add up over time, like skin ageing, genes, menopause and even certain illnesses.
- Harsh cosmetics, too much make-up and cleansing products with high pH levels - can also trigger these issues and occasionally leave the skin feeling uncomfortable and less supple.
- Tobacco and alcohol
- Stress and fatigue
Follow the advice of our beauty experts to understand how to recognise your skin’s needs. Use moisturising products that give your face the ingredients required to keep your skin healthy, supple and smooth. The Clarins range has a variety of moisturisers, oils and masks.
Dehydration can be mistaken for other skin problems, making it difficult to diagnose. The only way to know if your skin needs moisturising is by looking at it and finding the best routine that suits you and your skin type. Ready for a little lesson on hydration?